Trudeau’s latest scandal will shock you


The one where their friends funnelled your tax dollars into their own companies? No? Well maybe it’s because the Liberal friendly media are talking about literally anything else. Well the scandal is pretty simple: There was a big pile of money, and Liberal Friendly board members gave that money to themselves. Bombshell testimony from a whistleblower says that if we want to find criminality all we need to do is look for intent. This is why we’re demanding the records be sent to the RCMP. But the Liberals are fighting us every step of the way. They’ve refused and now Parliament is stalled because of it. This can only mean that whatever is in those documents is so bad that they’re willing to stall the parliamentary calendar, and maybe even cancel the rest of the session, to prevent it from coming to light. Let’s explore how they got rich and you got the bill.

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